We do not accept unsolicited donations through the mail, brought to or dropped-off at the site without prior communication. If you have an item which you think should be part of our collection, please telephone or send an e-mail or letter describing the item you have available. Please also include at least one photograph and any information you have available about how you acquired the object, past ownership, use, and historical significance.
Due to logistical concerns in caring for and storing items in our care and based on a desire to maintain a collection that is relevant to the period and region we portray, there are several criteria we consider. These include:
- the age and condition of the item
- whether or not we currently have similar items in our collection
- how appropriate the item is to our mandate
- the resources required to store and maintain the object in good condition
We do give priority consideration to items that have a direct and demonstrable connection with local history, connection with local historical personalities, local communities, and local historical events.
If you feel you have an item you would like to donate to Fort Henry please contact the site’s Curator: